Stage fright : Best Reason To Choose Iphone Over Android

Stage fright : Best Reason To Choose Iphone Over Android

Do you have Stage fright ? Whatever your answer is but if you ask this question to your Android based phone you will definitely get a "Yes" for it & If you are thinking what the fuss is this! Then read below 

Stage fright is an Android vulnerability that could hijack your phone with a simple MMS. If someone sends you an infected MMS, you open it and download the attachments then your phone is hacked by the sender. This gets worst if you use Google's Hangout for SMS, the app may download the attachments and pre process it automatically. If you are one of them who uses hangout as there default app or anyhow use it you should deactivate "Auto Retrieve MMS option" to avoid the danger of getting infected without making any efforts. One more thing you can do to save yourself is by not downloading the MMS that you received from somebody you don't know.

Google has got a patch for the issue, you are safe now and soon receiving a update for your device (if not got it yet) but only if you are a nexus device owner.

Other than Nexus devices, Users who owns a android phone (except official cyanogen based devices) have no option to fix this even if you owns the latest and most expensive flagship devices like S6 edge, LG G4.

If you receive any MMS from unknown person
Do not open it, be safe.

The fault was first discovered by zimperium, who has now released an app 'Stage fright detector' available on playstore to let you know that you are infected or not though there is no cure right now. Lookout also has an app to check phones vulnerability.

Earlier IOS users also faced the same issue where users fingerprint Id and other personal information can be hacked in same fashion but apple soon released a patch and every iPhone user got it but this is not the case with Android as only nexus devices are safe for now. This gives us an idea on how bad it can get for android users when it comes to security on these devices.



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Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.


Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.

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