Story behind the photo that shocked the whole world

Story behind the photo that shocked the whole world

A Lifeless body of a young child found on Wednesday morning at bodrum beach, Turkey shocked the world.

After watching the above picture of a little boy there are two questions raised in our minds first is Who is this happened? And second why people escaping Syria?
Read below to get your answers -

A three year old boy found dead lying face down in the surf of bodrum beach in turkey. He was one of those 12 out of 23 people who drowned attempting to reach Greek island KoS and Within few hours the photo starts spreading like fire in the jungle on Twitter with a hash tag #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik which means humanity washed ashore & everyone is talking about the dangerous Syria situation.
The boy was soon recognized by turkeish media as Aylan kurdi son of Abdullah kurdi who previously lived in Koben, Syria.

Abdullah told media about the incidence that how Aylan and aylan's five year old brother Gabel slipped from his hands while he's trying to save his wife Rihanna when the boat was sinking in the middle of the sea.
Why people escaping Syria ?

Syrian people are fleeing in high numbers from their motherland and there were approx. 2000 people's from last month till now has gone to Greece through sea route because of fear, fear of death. But if we take a look on who many people are suffering the above digit will feel tiny. There are about 11 millions people displaced so far with 4 million refugees flee to escape the violence and the number is increasing.

How this all started?

The story behind the Syrian civil war is very long you can visit these links to read full history or read below to understand the situation in short -

It all started in march 2011 after U.S troops withdrawal was completed, some people peacefully protesting against Arab spring were taken down by government in a violent manner and rebels began fighting back against them.
In July the same year, the voilant protesters made a free Syrian army with armed civilians which was led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who took over Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Islamic theologian is currently known as ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Levant) which previously known as AQI (Al  Qaeda). ISIS is the militants group includes fighters from US, France, Germany and other European countries with local civilians. This militants group approach was different than other jihadi groups as the ISIS is trying to capture whole Syria and Iraq to make there presence felt by the world and the group has earned a reputation for brutal rules in the area they controls. After they captured Mosul it made ISIS the most cash rich militants group in the world and the group also got support from wealthy individuals from kuwait and saudi Arabia who supported ISIS's fight against Bashar Al-Assad. It is believed that ISIS has cash & assets worth $1.2 billion dollars and is raising.

The fight is not only against the government but Baghdadi's men were also fighting against the other jihadist groups like Al-Nasra supported by Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda chief which warned IS to operate only in Iraq and leave Syria to Al-Nasra but ISIS denied them and the war to conquer Syria began. It is believed that thousands of people were killed till now and the casualties is increasing.

The strong position hold by ISIS in Syria making people to leave the war zone and fleeing to other European countries.



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