Facts About Sundar Pichai You Need To Know

Facts About Sundar Pichai You Need To Know

On monday 10 August, Google announced their new parent company Alphabet Inc. Which shocked all because no one ever thought that a company like Google will work under anyone else but that's not the only announcement made by former CEO of google Larry page, he also revealed that Android head Sundar pichai will now run google as CEO. About a year ago sundar became in charge of all big google products except YouTube. In just few years pichai got promoted from handling only chrome  to all google products, he was also became the most powerful person in google after Larry Page.  If you still want to know more about Google's new CEO then here are some facts about our very own sundar pichai :-


Pichai Sundararajan better known as sundar  pichai  was born in chennai,India, and his schooling was done from Padma Sheshadri Bal Bhavan after that he went to IIT kadhakpur to earn his bachelor's degree in metallurgical Engineering then he went to Standford university to get a master degree in material sciences and engineering, along with his master degree he also holds a MBA degree which he awarded from  Wharton school, university of Pennsylvania.

First Break

Before google sundar joined McKenzie and company's management consulting department.  He also worked in engineering and product management at Applied materials.

First at Google

Pichai joined google In 2004, before he managed chrome, he worked on several popular products of google including toolbar, google gear and google pack. Toolbar success was one of his first achievement in google which putted him into the lime light. After that google decided to launch their own browser after toolbars usage increased and chrome was born which was fully handled by pichai.

Pichai and chrome

At Google pichai is known for his leadership qualities and innovative idea's and you can accept that by looking at the popularity of chrome browser and he is the one who introduced google's fully internet based Chrome OS to everyone. In 2008 google appointed pichai as a vice president of product designing and chrome was also launched In the same year, after that in 2009 google introduced Chrome OS in the market.
Presentations held at Google back in year 2008 days People who comes to the events always expects some new and innovative ideas from pichai and mostly they get one from him. In 2012 sundar pichai became senior vice president of chrome and apps at google.


In 2004 google appointed Andy Rubin to make android a better experience and In 2013 pichai replaced Andy and added Android to Google products which he was already handling. This was earned by pichai after he worked for 11 years at google and we have also experienced how android usability experience has transformed from jellybean days to KitKat and now lollipop 5.0.

Microsoft Nomination

Sundar pichai is a well known name of tech world & his work was also noticed by Microsoft. He was one of the main contender for CEO position at Microsoft after Steve Ballmar's was released from his duties. He was also reached by twitter to join them as CEO but google made sure that he stay's at google by offering him with $50 million bonus.

Importance At Google

Last year Google's CEO Larry Page promoted Sundar  pichai as product head of all big products of google including search,map, google+, commerce and advertising in addition to what he was handling before, which clearly made pichai the one how will be dealing with all revenues comes from popular products of the company.

Here are some top tweets for sundar pichai have a look

Congratulations @sundarpichai . My best wishes for the new role at @google.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi)
August 11, 2015

Really excited about the vision and brilliance of Sundar.. he's going to be a great CEO!
— Eric Schmidt (@ericschmidt)
August 10, 2015

Congrats @sundarpichai well deserved!
— Satya Nadella (@satyanadella)
August 10, 2015

@sundarpichai Congratulations on your promotion!
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook)
August 11, 2015



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